Did you lose your home in Lahaina?

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We know you have been through a lot, and it’s probably difficult to believe that anyone who offers to help isn’t somehow a con artist.

Trust us, we’ve heard from our clients how scared they were to extend trust anywhere and we understand. If you take the step to work with us, we have a simple process to determine if we can help. If we can’t help, then you pay nothing. If we look into your policy and believe there is unrecovered money in your policy, we believe you deserve to get that money, and we want to advocate for you.

GiGi Buduan-Maui

GiGi Buduan

Lahaina Fire Survivor
(808) 357-4679

Map of Maui with Maui StrongIf you lost your home in the Lahaina Fire that swept through on August 8th 2023, Cavalry Disaster Advocates is here to  help. We are uniquely qualified to help you recover all the possible money that is in your policy. We successfully served over 400 families who lost their homes in the Camp Fire that destroyed the Town of Paradise in Northern California, a similar devastating fire that also destroyed a large number of residential homes.

We've heard hundreds of stories of wildfire victims
who fell into one of two categories:

  1. They were struggling with their insurance company before we started working with them.
  1. They didn't even realize there was any more money left in their claim.

You can see some of the stories of familes we have helped here.

Our approach to helping victims of fire is a bit unique.

Rather than stepping in immediately, before your insurance company has had a chance to respond and settle your claim, we wait until they have done their part. Our job is to just make sure they didn’t miss key elements of your policy.

Again, the good news is that there is absolutely no risk to you in letting us evaluate your claim.

If we find nothing amiss, then you will be confident you have received a fair settlement for your loss. If we find places we can see an opportunity, then we get to work advocating for you and we only get paid if we succeed in getting you an additional settlement.

bottom line: if we don’t succeed, you owe us nothing

Have Questions? Call one of our local Maui Representatives to get answers.

GiGi Buduan-Maui

GiGi Buduan

Lahaina Fire Survivor
(808) 357-4679


Ready to get started? Click on the link below and request your free consultation.
We look forward to helping you move forward.

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